The 澳门皇家赌城在线大学 Faculty Staffing Priorities Committee (FSPC) is a subcommittee of the 学术参议院. As defined in the Senate's By-Laws, the primary purpose of the Faculty Staffing Priorities Committee is to develop criteria for evaluating requests for full-time faculty positions and then to prioritize requests for full-time faculty positions. This committee invites the campus community, 由部门, to present their requests for full-time faculty hiring. The committee listens to faculty presentations, 重视职位, and sends the list to the 学术参议院 for ratification, and then on to the college president. Upon ratification by the Senate, the FSPC's rankings are valid until June 30 of that current academic year.


The Faculty Staffing Priorities Committee is comprised of the following eleven (11) committee members: the current Senate Executive committee, one (1) additional past senate president, and four (4) members at-large (one from student development/student services, one from vocational/technology area, and two from general education areas.), two (2) at-large members selected by the Senate Council.  The committee operates with the understanding that none of the members represents a constituent group but rather maintains a college-wide perspective. This structure is in place to allow the smallest departments or disciplines adequate representation, to avoid intra-departmental conflicts, and to decrease the interference of campus politics or personality issues. The membership of this committee is appointed for two (2) consecutive years.

The membership for 2021-20 is as follows:

Peter Sezzi (Lydia Morales on sabbatical) (Past 学术参议院 President)

Daniel Clark (学术参议院 President)

Jennifer Garner (学术参议院 Secretary)

斯蒂芬妮一个. Branca  (学术参议院 Treasurer)

Preston Pipal (学术参议院 Vice-President)








The membership for 2017-18 is as follows:

Peter Sezzi (Past 学术参议院 President)

Lydia Morales (学术参议院 President)

Colleen Coffey (学术参议院 Secretary)


斯蒂芬妮一个. Branca  (学术参议院 Treasurer)

Philip Clinton (学术参议院 Vice-President)

Brent Wilson  (General Education)

Beatriz Herrera (学生服务)

Roxanne Forde (CTE)

Ryan Petitfils(General Education)

The membership for 2015-16 is as follows:

Peter Sezzi (Past 学术参议院 President)

Alexander Kolesnik (学术参议院 President)

David Young (substitute for Peter Sezzi 学术参议院 Vice-President)

Colleen Coffey (学术参议院 Secretary)

William Hendricks (General Education) 

Donna Beatty (General Education) 


Beatriz Herrera (学生服务) 

Scott Brewer (substitute for Vacant, 学术参议院 Treasurer) 



The membership for 2013-14 is as follows:

P. Scott Corbett (Past 学术参议院 President -- OC)

Art Sandford (学术参议院 President)

彼得H. Sezzi (学术参议院 Vice-President)

Colleen Coffey (学术参议院 Secretary)

William Hendricks (General Education) (2nd年)

Steve Turner (General Education) (1st 年) 

马利亚·撒迦利亚(CTE) (1st 年)

Corey Wendt (学生服务) (1st 年)

Marian Carrasco-Nungarary (at large) (1st 年)

空缺(一般)st 年)              


2015-16: Staffing Priorities Committee Ranked Faculty Requests with Rationale (Senate Approved -- Dec 2015)

2012-13: Staffing Priorities Committee Ranked Faculty Requests with Rationale (参议院批准——2012年12月)

2011-12: Staffing Priorities Committee Ranked Faculty Requests with Rationale (Senate Approved -- Nov 2011)

2010-11: Staffing Priorities Committee Ranked Faculty Requests with Rationale (Senate Approved -- Nov 2010)

2009-10: Staffing Priorities Committee Ranked Faculty Requests with Rationale (Senate Approved -- Nov 2009)

2008-09: Staffing Priorities Committee Ranked Faculty Requests with Rationale (Senate Approved -- Dec 2008)



Faculty Prioritization Process (Senate Approved -- Nov 2020)


Staffing Priorities Committee Rubric (Senate Approved -- Nov 2015)

Staffing Priorities Committee Procedures and Norms (Senate Approved -- Nov 2015)


Staffing Priorities Committee Rubric (Senate Approved -- Nov 2012)

Staffing Priorities Committee Procedures and Norms

Staffing Priorities Committee Minutes :  2012年11月30日 (草案)         


Staffing Priorities Committee Rubric (Senate Approved -- Nov 2011)

Staffing Priorities Committee Procedures and Norms (Senate Approved -- Nov 2011)

Staffing Priorities Committee Minutes :  2011年10月20日               


Staffing Priorities Committee Rubric (Senate Approved -- Nov 2010)

Staffing Priorities Committee Procedures and Norms (Senate Approved -- Nov 2010)


Staffing Priorities Committee Rubric (Senate Approved -- Nov 2009)

Staffing Priorities Committee Procedures and Norms (Senate Approved -- Nov 2009)


Staffing Priorities Committee Rubric (Senate Approved -- Nov 2008)

Staffing Priorities Committee Procedures and Norms (Senate Approved -- Nov 2008)